For those of you who haven't given up on me, I have another post. When we first arrived in Taiwan, it seemed pretty hot and we opened our windows. For a few weeks we didn't learn how to operate the built-in screens and we seemed to have no problems with bugs, flies, or mosquitoes. For about five months we were going along fine, and then in March we started being bothered by mosquitoes while we were sleeping, buzzing in our ears and keeping us awake. Alma got bit a lot, but I didn't seem to. We mentioned this to some company one night and a woman said she would help us get a zapper. She immediately left and went to a nearby grocery store where she bought a heating device that puts fumes into the air and kills the mosquitoes.
Then about a week after she left, a fellow senior missionary was buying an electric zapper at Costco and I said, "I want one of those," so he went and got one and I bought it.